Chicago Beyond’s multiyear investments provide flexible funding of up to $5 million to promote organizational growth across a variety of issues, strategies, and geographies. Through catalytic grants that enable growth and innovation, paired with partnership support, we work to increase the impact of solutions led by those closest to the issues.
In multiyear investment partners, Chicago Beyond looks for:
Since 2020, our average multiyear grant is $1.4 million, compared to median grants of $50,000 from large foundations.
Source: Lever For Change
Since 2020, our average multiyear grant is made over 3.9 years, compared to 1.5 years from large foundations.
Source: Lever For Change
Since 2020, 100% of our multiyear grants have been made to organizations led by individuals with lived experience and meaningful proximity to the issues they are working to improve.
“Chicago Beyond’s funding is transformational and flexible. It allows us to develop administrative aspects of our organization and redirect funding to programing if needed. This enables us to not be in survival mode and view our organization through a sustainability lens.”
Edwin Martinez, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Centro Sanar
"The trust and understanding that Chicago Beyond provides has shown us as an association that partnership with funders are much more than monetary support, but a mutual understanding with intentionality. The team has taken the time to understand the complexity of our work, reflect on our challenges and celebrate our victories. This is a model that should be replicated in the philanthropic sector."
Asiaha Butler, Co-Founder and CEO, Residents Association of Greater Englewood