Mirror Tool
We invite you to use the Mirror Tool as a reflection guide to make more conscious choices in funding decisions.
Note: Mirror Tool © 2023 by Chicago Beyond is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
When funders review grant applications, we are called on to make high-quality and equitable decisions. However, unconscious bias skews all human decision-making. Research shows that we can reduce bias by slowing ourselves down to recognize and address unconscious factors.
The Mirror Tool is a reflection guide that enables funders to make more conscious choices when evaluating funding applications during the grantmaking process. Ultimately, this leads to more effective individual and collective participation, and higher-quality decisions.
We invite you to use the Mirror Tool as a reflection guide to make more conscious choices in funding decisions.
Note: Mirror Tool © 2023 by Chicago Beyond is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
“I believed myself to be relatively aware of my biases. I have assessed hundreds of grant applications and advised on hundreds of millions of dollars of grants. I am also a mixed-race, second-generation immigrant, and have devoted my career to fighting for social justice and against inequality and structural racism/bias, especially in my work in philanthropy. As part of the toolkit from a recent grant application review, I received Chicago Beyond’s Mirror Tool, which functioned as a supplement to the scoring matrix..." (Continued)
Joe Collins - Impact Consultant
"...In having to note, write and reflect on my biases as I reviewed and scored the applications, I was 1) struck by how biased some of my reactions are, 2) aware that even after my training and awareness mollified some of those initial reactions, I remained stubbornly entrenched in certain biases, 3) my scores were different with the influence of the Mirror Tool. I will incorporate this into every framework/matrix I build moving forward, and will preach its value to all philanthropists and investment teams I advise.”
Joe Collins - Impact Consultant
"Loved the implicit bias training. I found myself coming face to face with my own leanings toward what kind of work makes the most impact for our highest need communities; great experience to let go of those personal views that I’m not sure I’ve articulated to myself before."
Kathi Littmann - CEO/President, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation