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Corrections1: Humanity must have a place in the U.S. prison system

In a recent piece in Corrections1, Thomas shares his perspective on how breaking down the “us vs. them” mentality can improve prison safety, reduce staff burnout, and foster rehabilitation. Thomas Schoolcraft has been a close collaborator on the development of Chicago Beyond’s Holistic Safety Framework.

A former incarcerated person turned corrections officer shares how breaking down the “us vs. them” mentality can improve prison safety, reduce staff burnout and foster rehabilitation

By Tom Schoolcraft

When we think of dangers in prison, we often picture physical violence — the fights, stabbings and even murders that contribute to the routine harm and degradation of both corrections officers and people who are incarcerated. These explosive incidents are attention-grabbing, and rightly so.

But our intense focus on these threats often prompts responses that make prisons less humane and more dangerous, fueling hostile conditions that arguably cause the most harm to those who live and work behind the walls.