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Life After Justice

Battling injustice and reclaiming lives

Life After Justice (LAJ) works to achieve justice for the wrongfully convicted and assists exonerees in rebuilding their lives. Their vision is a society that does not sacrifice innocence because of a legislative system that promotes legal injustice, racial prejudice, and economic inequality through the laws it creates.   

Our Investment

Chicago Beyond’s $3.2 million investment in LAJ marks a significant milestone for the organization, which has operated solely on a volunteer basis without institutional funding since its establishment. This partnership has empowered LAJ to hire full-time staff and implement its strategies aimed at systemic impact, specifically targeting laws, policies, and practices that contribute to wrongful convictions. This collaboration underscores Chicago Beyond’s dedication to reshaping the justice system and enhancing wellbeing for all.

Learn more about Life After Justice's work.

Click here to visit our Partner’s Site
A group of people sitting down in rows, they are looking towards a women speaking towards them. The background has windows in the distance and a white wall behind the audience chairs.

Our Philosophy

Chicago Beyond amplifies the impact of solutions driven by those closest to the issues. We aim to notice, relate, and work differently, both as a funder and as a partner to those we invest in. By consistently applying these practices, we recenter humanity in philanthropy and all that we do.

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