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Why am I Always Being Research­ed?

If Evidence Matters, We Must Care How It Gets Made

Through the course of our investing, Chicago Beyond has become acutely aware of the power dynamics between community organizations, researchers, and funders that can block information and hinder better decision making and investment. Why Am I Always Being Researched? is a guidebook to shift the way community organizations, researchers, and funders uncover knowledge together. It is an equity-based approach to research that offers a path to restoring communities as authors and owners. It is based on the steps and missteps of Chicago Beyond’s own experience and the courageous and patient efforts of our partners, the communities they serve, and others with whom we have learned.

Why Am I Always Being Researched?

Our guidebook invites community organizations, researchers, funders, and all social sector leaders on a path toward more authentic truth. We invite you to download the publication and engage in identifying and reimagining power dynamics, and to even the playing field to do the most good.


A Journey Towards More Authentic Truth

Power dynamics create an uneven field on which research is designed and allows unintended bias to seep into how knowledge is generated. If left unaddressed, at best, we are driving decision-making from partial truths, and at worst, we are generating inaccurate information that does more harm than good.

Why Am I Always Being Researched? envisions a more equitable world by embracing voices furthest from institutional power as intrinsically valuable. This is not about embracing community voice when it is a means to an end, and being unwilling to listen when voices are not saying what we wish to hear.

This is a journey towards more authentic truth for all of us. Let us encourage one another and look for the joy in this journey. There is a lot of it.

A Journey Towards More Authentic Truth

Power dynamics create an uneven field on which research is designed and allows unintended bias to seep into how knowledge is generated. If left unaddressed, at best, we are driving decision-making from partial truths, and at worst, we are generating inaccurate information that does more harm than good.

Why Am I Always Being Researched? envisions a more equitable world by embracing voices furthest from institutional power as intrinsically valuable. This is not about embracing community voice when it is a means to an end, and being unwilling to listen when voices are not saying what we wish to hear.

This is a journey towards more authentic truth for all of us. Let us encourage one another and look for the joy in this journey. There is a lot of it.

Seven Opportunities for Change

The work of disrupting traditional philanthropic practices and changing “how it’s always been done” is difficult. To start, we must notice power dynamics, stand in relationship differently, and take actions within our control. The seven opportunities for change provide community organizations, researchers, and funders with a way to bring awareness to bias and commit to a new way forward.
Could we be missing out on community wisdom because conversations about research are happening without community meaningfully present at the table?
Can we effectively partner to get to the full truth if information about research options, methods, inputs, costs, benefits, and risks are not shared?
Could we be accepting partial truths as the full picture, because we are not valuing community organizations and community members as valid experts?
Are we getting incomplete answers by valuing research processes that take from, rather than build up, community ownership?
What value is generated, for whom, and at what cost?
Are we holding funders and researchers accountable if research designs create harm or do not work?
Whose voice is shaping the narrative and is the community fully represented?


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