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A close up photo on a hand holing a book names Why Am I Always Being Researched, on the corner reads Chicago Beyond. The background are blurry peoples hands holding sheets of paper.


Learnings To Disrupt “Systems as Usual”

Chicago Beyond’s insights—including publications, articles, and other media—aim to promote more equitable systems. Our observations and analyses inform leaders and encourage the adoption of fairer funding, practices, and policies. By sharing these insights, we seek to disrupt and reimagine traditional systems and engage in dialogue with changemakers worldwide.

  • Philanthropy

    Mirror Tool

    A reflection guide that enables funders to make more conscious choices, leading to higher-quality decisions.
    From: Mirror Tool
  • Philanthropy

    Why Am I Always Being Researched?

    A guidebook that invites community organizations, researchers, funders, and all social sector leaders on a path toward more authentic truth.
    From: Why Am I Always Being Researched?
  • Philanthropy

    Why Am I Always Being Researched? (COVID-19)

    A guidebook addressing power dynamics in research that is specifically related to COVID-19.
    From: Why Am I Always Being Researched?
  • Philanthropy

    ¿Por Qué Siempre Me Investigan?

    Una guía para organizaciones comunitarias, investigadores y financiadores que nos ayuda a pasar de una comprensión insuficiente a una verdad más auténtica
  • Philanthropy

    Healing-Centered Funding for Systems Change

    Article that provides funders with five shifts to expand their perspectives, do less harm, and be more effective at systems change.
    From: Healing-Centered Funding for Systems Change
  • Philanthropy

    Whole Philanthropy

    A framework that articulates a reimagined orientation for funding, one that increases consciousness, connectedness, and results in more equitable partnership practices.
    From: Whole Philanthropy
  • Justice

    Do I Have the Right to Feel Safe?

    A vision to make people safer, both within and beyond correctional walls. Original publication from 2022.
    From: Do I Have the Right to Feel Safe? 
  • Justice

    Holistic Safety Inventory

    Chicago Beyond’s Holistic Safety Inventory is a comprehensive tool designed to support correctional systems in promoting the well-being and safety of both staff and incarcerated individuals.
    From: Do I Have the Right to Feel Safe? 
  • And Beyond

    Healing-Centered Framework for Chicago Public Schools

    A framework to provide students with the support and opportunities needed to be well and succeed in college, career, and life.
    From: CPS Healing Centered Framework 

The State of Birth Justice In America

A conversation bringing together experts to shed light on the challenges faced by Black mothers and birthing people, and explore solutions to address disparities in maternal healthcare.
A group of people sitting down in rows, they are looking towards a women speaking towards them. The background has windows in the distance and a white wall behind the audience chairs.

Our Philosophy

Chicago Beyond amplifies the impact of solutions driven by those closest to the issues. We aim to notice, relate, and work differently, both as a funder and as an organizational partner. By consistently applying these practices, we recenter humanity in philanthropy and all that we do.
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